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Six Thinking Hats 1 Questions

Some scientists tried to delve into the study and analysis of the thinking process in humans, and sought to develop and divide it in order to facilitate dealing with it, and the most famous scientist who carried out these studies was Doctor Edward de Bono, who benefited from his medical information about the brain in analyzing the thinking patterns of humans until he invented the hats method Six and then De Bono became the most famous name in the world in the field of thinking, its analysis and patterns, and invented several theories in this field, the most famous of which is Lateral Thinking and the Six Medals.

How did the term thinking hats originate, and what is meant by it?

The idea of ​​thinking hats flashed in De Bono's mind during his travels from Britain to Malaysia, and the spark of this idea sparked when he compared the way of thinking of the West that relies on a sophistic philosophy based on controversy, dialogue and discussion, and the way of thinking of the East, especially the Japanese, that relies on parallel thinking - as He called it - the first method is based on contradictory thinking among the assembled individuals, whereby each party expresses its point of view on a certain issue, and the other argues to prove the validity of this opinion, and this makes the ideas contradictory, that is, each idea encounters a different idea, which causes ideas to attract in many times and the outcome becomes Zero in the end, according to the physical law that has proven that pushing the body from this side, and from the opposite side to the same extent, makes it lose movement, so the result is zero, and dropping this law on the way of contradictory thinking means that the argument sometimes does not lead to a satisfactory result, while we thought That this argument is a way to achieve objectivity in thinking. As for the method of parallel thinking that the Japanese successfully use in managing their meetings, it is based on sharing opinions using several parallel patterns of thinking. Each pattern parallels and does not oppose the other, in order to reach quick and effective results and decisions. For example: to illustrate the mechanism of making a decision according to the parallel thinking method:

A number of managers in a company are discussing the possibility of making a decision to buy a company offered for sale. In the beginning, all individuals from these departments participate in collecting information about the company offered for sale, as everyone follows a unified line of work goals and method, then everyone thinks about the advantages and advantages that can be gained from the procurement process, then unified thinking about the negatives, and thus the parallel thinking method that prevents The collision of opposing opinions and the multiplicity of parallel thinking styles led to the idea of ​​thinking hats.

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